Santa Rosa Endodontist

FAQSanta Rosa, CA

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      How Apicoectomies Work

      As an endodontist, Dr. Loxley understands the various choices for eliminating infections in your teeth and gums. Non-surgical root canal treatment is generally the first choice to remove infected pulp, clean the inside of the tooth and root canal, and seal the area while saving the tooth. When it is unsuccessful or stronger measures are required, and the purpose of the treatment is to save the tooth, an apicoectomy can be done to eliminate new or recurring infection.

      Apicoectomy is an endodontic surgery procedure where the tip (apex) of a tooth root is surgically removed (defined as “ectomy”). The action fights the infection found in tissues around the root’s tip. Although it is an invasive surgery, the results are generally effective.

      What are some of the things Dr. Loxley looks for that indicate surgical root canal treatment is likely? Cracks or fractures on roots or blocked root canals that cannot be cleaned and sealed are common problems that prohibit non-surgical root canal treatment. Be sure to ask any questions you have and get answers that you understand regarding your concerns. Also note that surgery is not necessary in every instance where a root canal is needed; we also offer non-surgical root canals in certain scenarios.

      What’s Involved in Root Induction?

      As a parent, you want your child to have the very best in dental care. Of course you call your family dentist for an appointment right away if any of your child’s baby (primary) teeth are injured in any way or your child complains about pain with his or her teeth. In turn, the dentist may examine the teeth and refer your child to Santa Rosa Endodontics for an appointment with Dr. Emine Loxley, DDS.

      Your pediatric dentist will reassure you that getting the tooth restored properly is the most important goal at this time. As specialists in treating and managing children’s dental needs, he or she will evaluate the situation and may refer you to Dr. Loxley, Santa Rosa’s premier endodontist.

      What’s Involved in Internal Teeth Bleaching?

      Once Dr. Loxley has evaluated the degree of staining and discoloration of your tooth she will determine if you are a candidate for internal teeth bleaching. If you are, she will drill a small hole into your tooth and insert a chemical oxidizing agent. This is left in your tooth for up to two weeks and then replaced with more oxidizing agent until your tooth achieves the maximum level of whiteness possible.

      Contact Dr. Loxley at (707) 595-9797 for help getting your internal bleaching scheduled or with any questions you have.

      Before & After Your Endodontic Visit

      Continue all medication for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems and any other conditions as recommended by your physician. If you have a question, please call our office prior to your appointment.

      If you have been advised by your physician or dentist to use antibiotic premedication because of mitral valve prolapse (MVP), heart murmur, hip, knee, cardiac or other prosthesis, or if you have rheumatic heart disease, please make sure you are on the appropriate antibiotic on the day of your appointment. If there is a question, please call our office prior to your appointment.

      Your treatment will be performed using local anesthesia. There are usually no restrictions after the procedure concerning driving or returning to work. (This does not apply to patients having sedation.) A doctor is available for consultation at all times should a problem arise after your treatment.

      Contact Us

      Santa Rosa Endodontics is located at
      1400 N Dutton Ave Ste 11
      Santa Rosa, CA

      (707) 706-2143